
Tomorrows News Today !

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"He Did Not Die Horribly Enough" - Public Reaction To Raoul Moats Death - Ted Maul Reports

Amidst ill-placed tributes and family criticism of the "Tazering" of sadistic, unstable lunatic Raoul Moat, the general public are glad that he is dead. It seems incredible that after the Cumbrian shootings and the carnage inflicted by Moat that a facebook campaign has been launched by a selection of "Geordie" cretins stating that Moat was a "great guy" and a "good dad". I know of no other "good dad" who thinks it is fine to shoot a Policeman in the face and then progress to strike fear into the general public. The Newcastle area is awash with criminals and assorted misfits, take convicted thug Cheryl Cole for example. One of the Policemen I interviewed was Heinrich Attilla, 29 of Anglo-German/Hun descent, "Tazer! if I had been given a choice I would have carved the bastard up with a Saxon broadsword!". The fact that Moat is dead has saved the public over £100,000 per annum to keep the bastard in a luxury prison with more facilities than a second world war veteran could ever dream of.